I love exploring culture through cooking.
For me, cooking is culture, community, creativity, and an expression of love for those we’re making the food for. Everyone eats so it’s a common denominator and an easy way to connect with people. Read this post to find out more about my experiences in kitchens around the world.
My love of food and sharing cooking culture is no secret so we have often been given cookbooks and recipe collections as farewell gifts and special-occasion presents. Over the next few weeks I will share recipes and stories from six of these. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have loved writing about the memories (links to each post will be updated as they are released):
Dorftheater Widnau, Switzerland – Emmi’s Goulash
McKenzie Family Cookbook – Grandma Corinne’s Turkish Fasulja
Wild Women on the Wall, China – Stella’s Mighty Muffins
Recipe File, South Africa – Nina’s Pear & Blue Cheese Salad
Peggy’s Collection – Mom’s Zucchini Bread
Hochzeitskochbuch – Almut & Jan’s Alsatian Flammkuchen

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