you are invited!

Are you an expat coach, trainer or facilitator? Do you specialize in the care of TCKs? Are you a Global Mobility expert?

I‘d like to get to know you.

I‘d like to offer this space for you to contribute your story, your message, your learning and invite you to submit a guest blog. Your contribution should be about an aspect of living a globally mobile life to share with our readers. See below for details.

If accepted, your blog will be published on this website and promoted on my Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. You are welcome to link back to here from your website or social media accounts too, of course.

It would be my absolute pleasure to be your host. If you agree to the terms below, please submit the form and let’s create something wonderful.

Agreement for Guest Blogging on Global Mobility Trainer

Guest Blogger agrees to:

  • submit original content on expat life and how it ties in to the recipe included.
  • word count: 500-1000, in English or German
  • optional: include a recipe, either an original or with source 
  • submit 3-4 photos, including one of the recipe and permit Global Mobility Trainer to use them on the website and in social media posts. You must have permission to share the photos.
  • submit short paragraph about yourself, including a photo and one link of you choice (website, Facebook,…)
  • link back to when referencing the guest blog post.
Global Mobility Trainer agrees to:
  • read and reply to all submissions.
  • always credit the original author.
  • if approved for publication the guest post will be published according to a schedule on this website and on the following social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.

Sound good? Fill out the form below and let’s get cooking.

Guest Blog Idea Submission