Halfway through summer the novelty of being out of school often wears off. I’ve collected a few tips & links for you here to help get you and the kids over the summer hump – low cost and screen free. Please share any other ideas you have in the comments!

#1 Go on a neighborhood bingo/adventure.
Make your own bingo cards or use the ones on National Geographic Kids or the ones from Me and My Big Move, especially for kids that have recently moved.

#3 Challenge each other and the neighbors to draw something.

#4 Play any game in a life-size version, ie using people as game pieces. Think Harry Potter & chess…
Or create your own game board & pieces from natural materials.

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#6 Instead of coloring in a mandala, why not create your own out of materials you can find? Sticks, stones, flower petals, candy, random socks, pencils, charging cables, …