The 12 on 12 trend has been around for awhile. I’ve participated on social media but never blogged about it so I figured it was time. Time to share 12 photos taken on the 12th of the month. Time to give you a little snippet of us, an insight into a “day in the life” of Anna – as a mom, partner, writer, cook, etc..
This month is special because we’ve got visitors for the first time in forever. Old friends we met in South Africa that currently live in a very different part of Germany but made the trip down to see us. Perhaps this makes it the perfect time to save these memories, to not forget just how special and precious people are in our lives.
Morning dog walk
Rain or shine as soon as the kids leave for school I get to head out with the dog. Recently we’ve been meeting a few other pups and watching them frolic and play together is just plain fun.

Ear, Nose & Throat doctor
After two months of vertigo our oldest is still feeling the effects of her weakened “balance organ” but the doctor confirmed it is on the mend and should be all better in 4-6 weeks.
It’s been stressful for her (and me) so this was good news. Even if it meant many hours in the waiting room and seemingly endless tests.
To join or not to join...
We finished at the doctor’s early enough that she could’ve joined her class trip to the Stuttgart theatre.
Upon reflection we decided not to drive in, try to locate the class, etc and instead got a late breakfast and took care of some shopping before heading home.

Upon arrival back home we set ourselves up at the dining room table with chai latte and hot chocolate and did some co-working. Me on finally finding a vacation destination over Easter and her on Friedrich Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell. I much preferred my tasks 🙂
Unfortunately neither of us managed to finish before things got busy – we need more practise working together…

Easter preparations
With Easter just around the corner it is high time to decorate – at least a bit. We follow the German custom of the Easter tree – decorating branches with eggs and other spring themed ornaments. Some of my favourites are the felt eggs we got in Beijing.
I also got a package ready for my brother-in-law’s family. I’m sure they love getting mail as much as we do.

Afternoon delivery
Speaking of mail – we got a package! My mom should get a discount, she mails so many boxes, but we all truly love getting them. This time the parcel included magazines and lovely washable dishcloths.

The gang's all here
The afternoon brought the return of our other two kids and our visitors, who spent the day at the Mercedes Benz museum (definitely worth a visit!). Spring has finally truly sprung and it’s time to see what shorts and T-shirts still fit.

These boys have known each other for many, many years and it was really nice to spend a few days reconnecting.
You know the feeling when you’re not sure what to expect and then things sort of fall into place? That’s what happened.
They spent the evening cruising and I finally had to hop on my bike to go locate them after dark.
I love that we live in an area where this is possible.

Upcoming blog
After dinner of jiaozi (Chinese dumplings), chasing boys down, and a nice chat with my visiting friend I couldn’t resist spending a little time on my next blog.
It’s not done yet but it will be the first in a series on Resilience and helping kids develop it.
I’ve spent a lot of time researching and am working on combining the research with my experience and practical suggestions for parents. Coming soon!