I recently started my expat adventure
How are you doing?
If you recently (this is a relative term…) moved abroad you might be flying high because everything is beautiful and more than you hoped for. Or you might be reeling from all the changes. Or maybe part of the family is doing well and some of you aren’t. You’ve managed all the logistics and noone has gone to bed hungry. Congratulations!
But how are you REALLY doing?
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed? Lonely? Too much time on your hands? Too little? Frustrated because EVERYTHING takes longer and is more complicated than at home? Resentful that you’ve lost your independence? What about friends and connections? Have you met anyone you really click with yet or are they all “different”? Do you miss your friends and family back home? What do you do all day anyway?
If this resonates with you, keep reading about what I can offer to help you settle in beyond logistics and groceries so you can really learn to love this expat adventure you’ve set out on. Then let’s talk.
coaching for expat Partners & global nomads
Coaching isn’t just for executives, sports stars and business owners. Anyone can benefit from time spent with a coach, reflecting on issues and growing. Read this article for more information on coaching.
I offer coaching specific to expats and expat partners, tailored to your needs and your unique situation. You can book a few sessions with me or apply to the Adapt & Succeed program. Whatever you choose, I promise you will benefit from coaching by taking time for yourself and gaining some clarity on where you are and where you want to go. Find more information on coaching options and packages, including pricing, here.
Continue reading below to meet Josy, an Adapt & Succeed client. Maybe her story sounds familiar to you, maybe it doesn’t but she still inspires you to reach out. I hope so.
Contact me for a completely obligation free chat and we’ll see how I might be able to help you. I’d love to hear your story.
Other resources
As you settle in to your new home, you might be interested in some of these resources:

Finding Connection
People need people. Find everything I've written about finding, making and maintaining connections at home and abroad here.

Moving with Kids
A collection of all my blogs, lists, and articles about living with and raising Third Culture Kids (TCKs).

The Single Expat
Did you go abroad on your own? Check out these resources for useful tips and ideas for single expats.
Josy is 33 and a mom of two. She was happy to take a break from her job to go abroad with her husband. She is super organized and spent months preparing for the move. She virtually visited schools before their exploratory trip, chose a house, registered with the local hospitals and reached out to the wife of a colleague – all before the family left home.
They landed a few months ago and after some rough patches everyone has settled into their new routines. Her husband is busy but thriving at work, the kids have made first friends, love riding the school bus and even discovered new activities to try out at school. It’s weird and wonderful to have household help and their helper cooks the best local food.
Now that the dust has settled she has a lot of time on her hands. If she’s honest with herself she’s feeling lost and lonely. She misses the satisfaction of her work and being busy with the kids in the afternoons. She feels unfulfilled and lacks purpose. She misses her friends, the convenience of speaking the local language and knowing how things work.
Back home, everyone thinks her life sounds glamorous and full of adventure. After the time spent preparing and all the excitement she can’t admit that it isn’t all she hoped for. She feels stuck (and a little bit resentful).
I totally get it – but there’s a way out. With the Adapt & Succeed program combined with one:1 coaching Josy can settle in better and build connections (locally and globally) to last a lifetime while finding her purpose for going – besides following her partner and giving the kids a great experience. The time spent focussing on herself will be so worth it!
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– recipes for delicious dips you can whip up for your next farewell potluck or housewarming.
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Credit where credit is due: Photo by Natasha Miller on Unsplash, icons by icon8.de