Family Flight School
Grow Closer and have fun as A FAMILY ON THE MOVE
A course for globally mobile parents and their mighty children
Discover the only program you need to grow closer and have fun together as a globally mobile family while you gain confidence in parenting
Join and go from hoping it will all go well to knowing you're doing
all you can to support your children's journey to independence.
Do you wish someone would tell you exactly what your kids need to thrive?

Are you raising kids outside your passport country?
Are you pretty sure this life is good for them but not sure how to really make the most of it?
Are you concerned they don’t really feel like they belong anywhere?
Or do you catch yourself worrying that...
…your Mother-in-Law is right and you’re messing them up by moving abroad?
…you’re spending time with your kids but not really connecting?
…they won’t ever fit in anywhere?
…you should do more to connect them to their cultural roots?
…someone is going to blow your cover and realize you don’t actually know what you’re doing as a parent?

“Great flights use landing gear as well as wings.”
Are you ready to help your kids learn to soar - and land well?
When we started our adventures abroad I never really put much thought into what it would ACTUALLY mean for our kids – despite having grown up as a military kid myself. I mean, how cool is it to learn about other cultures, pick up a language or two and travel lots, right?
Observations of parents and children that were ahead of us on their journey reminded me of something though. I dug out old books, found new websites and started researching.

What I found was simultaneously shocking and encouraging. Shocking, because so many of the experiences of a childhood marked by moving can have long-term detrimental effects on mental health and the ability to form lasting relationships.
Encouraging, because if supported and cared for well, these kids have skills and powers to change the world for the better – because they see a bigger picture of our big beautiful world and can innovate and problem-solve like no-one else.
What I found was – there is more to raising kids abroad than learning a language and travelling.
A program for globally mobile parents and their mighty children to flourish, learn, grow and have fun together.
Don'T fall into the trap...
Kids are resilient.
They’ll be fine.
Resilience must be learned through competence, confidence and connection.
Others are doing fine.
I don’t need help.
We never know what others are facing. The effects of a disrupted childhood often don’t appear until adulthood.
I read a book about Third Culture Kids.
I think I’m good to go.
I read a book about flying a plane – do you want to fly with me?
Do you have The answers?
As expat parents we’re all about giving our children wings to fly. But have you thought about where and how they land? Parents are sometimes the only solid ground for globally mobile children, wherever we find ourselves in the world, and there is a lot we can do to build their landing gear while we also teach them to soar.
- Have you ever sat down and thought about your expat family life?
- What does it mean to you as a family to live a globally mobile life?
- Why did you go abroad in the first place?
- What do you want to get out of it for yourself and your children?
- What impact is your choice having on your children?
These are tricky questions you know you should have answers to but there’s usually just too much other stuff going on. Am I right?
here is your chance to get answers:
a workshop for (expat) families to grow closer and stronger together.
flourish and grow together as a family
Family flight school
Workshop for brave parents & mighty children living a globally mobile life.
We want to join!Quiz...
- Are you raising kids abroad?
- Are you spending time together but not really connecting?
- Do you worry you might be messing your kids up by living abroad?
- Do you wonder how to build strong relationships with family “back home”?
- You know your kids could soar but don’t know how to teach them to fly? And land safely.
- Have you lost track of who YOU are?

If you answered “yes” more than three times keep reading – you and your family will benefit from this workshop.
after 8 weeks of flight school you will ...

- Feel more confident and at ease parenting kids abroad.
- Know things you never expected about your kids.
- Feel stronger and more connected as a family.
- Have made memories and built stronger bonds with each other.

How does it work?
The family course runs for 8 weeks and is designed for expat parents and their mighty children ages 5-15. You will need some supplies (paper, pens, printouts) for the activities and an hour or two a week (or more, depending on how much fun you’re having).
Video Lesson
Each lesson forms the foundation for the week.
Time: 10-20min
Family Activities
Building on the lesson, you do the guided activity in the workbook as a family.
Time: 30-60min
Support in the closed facebook group. Share your projects, ask questions. I am available daily in here.
Live Calls - in Full program
5 Family calls to learn and share what you've done, clarify open questions and ask anything else.
You learn and work together as a family.
You have two weeks to work through each unit together, to watch the lessons and complete the exercises – time spent together, learning and growing.

What will we cover?
- How is growing up abroad different?
- What is your family story?
- Building close family bonds.
- Who am I? Who are we?
- Expressing what I’m feeling.
- How to say good-bye.
- Staying connected with, well everyone.
- Supporting your kids all the way.

“I want you to know what you can and should do to support your kids and guide them into healthy adulthood.
Because international kids have the power to change the world.”
Anna Seidel

In all programs:
Video Lessons
Short video lessons allow you to watch on demand.
Workbook & Activities
Our workbook is packed with activities, printables and resources for parents and children of all ages.
Join the private Facebook group to share, ask and connect with everyone on the course.
8 weeks of Connection
Learn together, spend time together, make memories.
Additionally in the FULL program:
5 live Family Check-Ins
Join me for 60min each time to share what you've worked on and learn together.
A full schedule to keep you on track - because life gets busy.
Additional resources, tailored to your needs.
Resilience building
Talk and resources to help you and your children build resilience.
there Is more!
Join flight School and Get these Bonusses :
There is one critical step to creating a life you love anywhere you go: feeling connected to people and having a tribe that ‘gets’ you. Shannon Jones is an Expat Coach & Relocation Advisor with years’ of experience helping expats thrive anywhere skilfully & efficiently.
Shannon believes in the power of Expat Family Flight School to connect families so is sharing her guide for Making Friends in a New Place AND her exclusive Relocation Connection workbook, usually reserved for her 1:1 clients with parents that sign up for Flight School.

- 8 weeks of family connection
- On-demand video lessons
- Workbook & activities to do together
- Support in private Facebook group
- 8 weeks of family connection
- On-demand video lessons
- Workbook & activities to do together
- Support in private Facebook group
- Resilience talk
- Calendar & extra resources
- 5 Family check-in calls

If you are a globally mobile family you will benefit from this course by gaining a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Third Culture Kid and how to raise them to be strong, healthy and resilient – while also taking care of yourself.
Parents will finish the program feeling more confident and at ease about their decision to raise children abroad.
Sign up here to take off. I will be in touch with your departure information shortly.

Read Privacy Policy here.
Family flight school is for you if...
you are a family setting out on your first expat adventure or if you’ve been flying for a while already. It is also very much for families that have returned to their passport country or are planning to repatriate soon.
Questions you might still have
I think your children have the potential and the skills to change the world for the better.
But they need your support and encouragement to make the most of these skills so they can thrive and not get caught up in the negatives, the questioning, the “who am I?” and trying to fit in everywhere but succeeding nowhere and in doing so, hiding their brilliance.
Flight School is a good place to start learning the tools and discovering more about being a TCK together.
The video lessons are 5-10 minutes long. The activities will take 30 – 60 minutes, depending on your family. Family check-in is 90 minutes and Q&A is an hour, if you come.
So, per week that works out to 1-2 hours on average.
Two things can happen – parents can ask questions that came up in the lessons or activities. I can talk more deeply about things that interested you in the unit or other things that are currently relevant.
Family Check-Ins are also for you and your kids to share what you made/developed that week. I will also review the content and answer any open questions they have.
You might be right. But you might be wrong.
Teens surprise us. I’ve had young adults that got very involved in some of the exercises – if they haven’t heard much about the TCK experience yet, it might really intrigue them.
It will absolutely still be worth it for you to learn about this area that will hugely effect your children all their life.
Especially as they start to move away and venture out on their own it can be very helpful if you have an understanding about what they might be going through and can give them support and resources when they need them.
Family Check-In is every 2 weeks at a time convenient to you.
If you know another family that you would like to complete Flight School with, please contact me . I would love to run this course as a group program.
Curious but undecided?
I totally get that. It feels like a big investment and you’re not sure if your family will get on board? Do you have questions that didn’t get answered here?
Contact me for a 20min exploratory call and let’s get those questions answered.